Friday, January 2, 2009


I'm outta there for the weekend.
I had balance problems today starting at noon. I had an attack, not the bad rotational type we all dread, but I sure had to hang on for a few seconds. Then my balance was shot the rest of the afternoon. Nystagmus, and hard to walk.
I was reminded that, for all the remedies both medical and non-medical, I still am not nor ever will have control over this illness.
But it's Friday. And the markets were up. The Dow went over 250 points. There is hope out there for the economy.
I think once Shrub is out of there, the country will have more confidence to go out and purchase. As long as folks in the country visualizes Shrub in office there will be no confidence to go out and purchase. Obama was not my choice, but a different face will help.
The first black president, also the first president younger than me. OUCH.
Mom fell and broke her hip the other day. Drat. And she was doing so much better after her problems earlier this summer. Now she will have to recupe from something else. It's not a bad break though and she should be up in 6 weeks, maybe.