Not long after I met my fiancee our first "date" was to the site of the Killough massacre in 1838.
The Killough family, along with the Woods and Williams family, settled in the piney woods of Cherokee Co. in 1837 after a 600 mile trip. There was tension between the whites and the Indians in those days because the Texas government reniged on a treaty that would let the land be theirs.
On Oct. 6 the settlers were taking up the last of their corn crop. Out of the woods they came, the indians, a few former slaves and some Mexicans.
Many of the family were killed on the spot and others were dragged away. There were survivors.
To stand at the remote spot of the massacre in the peace and quiet of the woods, and in your mind you re-enact the scene as it might have played out. For more on the massacre go to http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/KK/btk1.html